In 2010 Shinedown has performed 3 series of concerts.
The first was performing at the Nickelback Dark Horse tour.
Then came one of this year's greatest tour "The Carnival of Madness".
And finally the year ended with a series of intimate concerts in the "Anything and Everything event".
In early 2012 came the Avalanche Tour
In 2012 they then came to the Club Soda in Montreal to promote their Amayllis album
Later in 2012 came the UPROAR Festival
In February 2013 they did a series of concerts with TDG and POD
In May of 2013 they did another series of concerts with Bush and Airbourne
In july 2013 they did the first part of the Canadian Kiss concert series
Their last series of concert was the Carnival Of Madness in August 2013